William Bunch walbunch@gmail.com
River Blythe Solihull, Coleshill
I fished the Blythe many years ago with a club called 51 Fly Fishers. Do's any one know of fly fish on the lovely little river. 5th November 11:47
Sandy Harrison sandyharrison58@yahoo.co.uk
Cat 3 petition
https://www.change.org/p/roseanna-cunningham-msp-scottish-government-should-abandon-river-categorisation-scheme-until-it-has-reliable-data?recruiter=74304288&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=share_petition.nafta_milestone_share_ask_1.72_hour_ask 25th December 21:55
Andrew James Nicholson andy@anglingnews.net
DAM CTE 135 reel
Take the cover off, then hold handle and unwind anticlockwise the pick up cover, then tie line on to spool, then replace all and wind line on. 28th February 10:26
Sue McNair sue662mcnair@btinternet.com
DAM CTE 135 reel
How do you put line on this closed face reel please? 27th February 19:15
Maureen Scott orangemazza@btopenworld.com
Eddie Preston
Hi Eddie. You spoke to my brother Peter recently. I remember fishing with you! I only ever caught eels. Please email me. Maureen 23rd December 19:36
ashley ashstew82@yahoo.co.uk
jobs in france or uk fisheries
Hi guys, im interested in moving to france with my girlfriend and we are both interested in working at fisheries. Does anyone have any advice on what is the best way to go about this????????????? 26th June 12:43
J. White Jwhite@tiscali.com
Fish Poaching
Has anyone else heard EA are cutting back bailiffing staff on the Tyne and stopping enforcement at sea.. utter disgrace, leaving an unregulated net fishery off the NE coast and a free for all every where else! 18th December 15:28
Tony & Carole t.kirkland@tiscali.co.uk
Doug Lock
Hi does anyone know what happened to Joy Almond-Lock 21st September 14:33
Geoff See teddgeoff@yahoo.co.uk
It does look like Mullarkeys have closed down, there are quite a few posts on Fly Fishing UK about it, good luck getting your money back. 8th August 12:42
DAWN GRIFFIN flowersfarmtroutlakesltd@gmail.com
We are sorry to inform you that Alan Bastone passed away on the 7th December 2013. He will be very much missed. We are continuing to run the trout lakes but we have new contacts. NEW Contact details. Name; Flowers Farm Trout Lakes Ltd. Email; flowersfarmtroutlakesltd@gmail.com Facebook; Flowers farm trout lakes ltd John. 07976 720 342 Danny. 07791 707 621 Dawn. 07968 05 9987
Regards Dawn Griffin.
16th March 15:40